Zend Framework 2 – show a select with values of an entity using annotationbuilder (having a ManyToOne relationship)

Mit dem annotationbuilder generiere ich ein Formular basierend auf einer Entity: $text = new Text(); $builder = new AnnotationBuilder( $entityManager); $form = $builder->createForm( $text ); $form->setHydrator(new DoctrineHydrator($entityManager,’Backend\Entity\Text’)); $form->bind($text); Das einzige Problem war das Feld categoryId, das eine manyToOne Beziehung zu […]

Zend Framework 2: AnnotationRegistry not found

Accoording to this tutorial I wanted to create a simple login, when ZF2 threw this ‘helpful’ errormessage: Fatal error: Class ‘Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry’ not found in \zendframework\zendframework\library\Zend\Code\Annotation\Parser\DoctrineAnnotationParser.php on line 42 Turns out when using that stupid composer the way it is recommended […]